Holding the Fire: Indigenous Voices on the Great Unraveling
Indigenous thought leaders offer their unique perspectives on this moment of shared crises, the consequence of global industrialized society having been built on extraction, colonialism, perpetual growth, and overexploitation of nature. Award-winning journalist and author Dahr Jamail hosts in-depth interviews with leaders from around the world to uncover Indigenous ways of reckoning with environmental and societal breakdown. If you’re concerned about climate change, species extinctions, loss of social cohesion, the specter of collapse, and other aspects of the Great Unraveling, then tune in for insight and wisdom gained from lived experience and cultural memory.
Holding the Fire: Indigenous Voices on the Great Unraveling
Everything Is Connected with Paty Gualinga
Dahr Jamail speaks with Paty Gualinga about her people’s spirituality and interconnectedness with the Amazon Rainforest, and the ancient prophecies of her ancestors which are coming true today. She also talks about how, after a decade-long fight she helped lead, Ecuadorians recently voted decisively to end oil drilling in the Amazon in their country.
Paty Gualinga is an Indigenous rights defender and foreign relations leader of the Kichwa People of Sarayaku, an Indigenous community based in the Ecuadorian Amazon.